On February 29, the TDC organized an international conference entitled “Global Challenges Caused by Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine” in Barcelona.
The conference brought together leading experts, policy makers, diplomats and opinion leaders from Spain, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Brazil and Ukraine to exchange views, share insights and propose solutions to the complex challenges posed by Russia’s war against Ukraine.

The event began with welcoming remarks by Oleksandr Slyvchuk, Coordinator of the Spain and Latin America Cooperation Program of the Transatlantic Dialogue Center, and Artem Vorobyov, Consul General of Ukraine in Barcelona.
The conference consisted of three different panel discussions.
The first panel discussion, “Ukraine’s Peace Formula and its global perception”, focused on the Peace Formula proposed by the President of Ukraine. Experts raised the question of whether this mechanism can become a universal basis for ending other military conflicts on the planet and overcoming global problems and discussed ways to communicate effectively with Latin American countries. The panel was moderated by Juan Pablo Soriano, Reader Professor in International Relations, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), and Affiliate Professor of the Barcelona Institute of International Studies (IBEI).

Speakers: Vitalli Tsymbaliuk, Consul of Ukraine in Barcelona; Oliver della Costa Stuenkel, political scientist, writer and associate professor at the FGV School of International Relations in São Paulo, Brazil; Bartłomiej Znojek, political analyst for the Latin American region at the Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM), Poland; Anna Ayuso Pozo, senior researcher for Latin America at CIDOB, Spain.
The video of this panel is available here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N6e9M9-FOPo&t=15s
The second discussion, “Challenges for International Law: Risks and Opportunities for Unity,” addressed a very important topic and focused on the challenges facing international law in the wake of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the measures that should be taken by the international community.

The debate was attended by: Susana Beltrán García, Vice-Dean at the Faculty of Law, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain; Francisco Cox, lawyer, member of the UN Human Rights Council mission, Chile; Mario Pereira Garmendia, assistant professor PhD in Criminal Law and International Security Studies, Faculty of Law University of Navarra, Spain; Paulina Astroza, lawyer, Professor of International Law, International Relations and European Integration, Director of the Center for European Studies, Jean Monnet Chair of the European Union at the University of Concepción in Chile, Director in Political and Social Sciences at the Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium; Franco Fiumara, Criminal Judge of the 4th Judicial Department of La Matanza, Professor of Criminal Procedure at the Law School of the University of La Matanza, Argentina. The discussion was moderated by Andreu Yakubuv, lawyer and political scientist, founder of the Instituto 9 de Mayo, and official of the State Corps of Translators and Interpreters.
The video of this panel is available here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1dyyAVyd2lE

The third panel, “Collapse of the old security system and modern challenges,” was moderated by Cesáreo Rodríguez-Aguilera de Prat, Professor Emeritus of Political Science at the University of Barcelona, PhD in Law and graduate in Contemporary History, and included the following speakers: Abel Riu, political analyst specialized in Ukraine, Russia and Caucasus countries, founder of the think tank Catalonia Global Institute; Rubén Herrero de Castro, professor at the Faculty of Political Science, Complutense University, Spain; Alvaro Peñas, international analyst, specialized in Eastern Europe, editor of Deliberatio.eu, contributor to The European Conservative, The American and other European media.

The speakers focused on the challenges that the international security system has faced due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the measures that should be taken by the international community.
The video of this panel is available here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ejKrn2PyJQ8
The conference was organized with the support of the International Renaissance Foundation and the Consulate General of Ukraine in Barcelona.