YATA President visited visited the NATO Youth Summit

On June 5 the President of the Youth Atlantic Treaty Association Ukraine visited the NATO Youth Summit, an event organized by NATO and William & Mary in Brussels. Sincere gratitude to Head of the NATO Information and Documentation Centre of Ukraine Vineta Kleine for the support of my trip and for promoting the representation of the Youth Atlantic Treaty Association Ukraine.

The NATO Youth Summit is aimed at fostering connections and facilitating the exchange of ideas between representatives from youth organizations and universities within NATO member states, Ukraine and Sweden.

Being the only participant who came directly from Ukraine, Mr. President got a chance to bring up a question to NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg on NATO’s vision of the China-Russia relation and to have a warm discussion with Assistant Secretary-General for Public Diplomacy Ms. Baiba Braze. Finally, the inclusion of Ukrainian youth in the NATO platforms will facilitate the transatlantic dialogue in the future, getting Ukraine closer to the alliance. The Youth Atlantic Treaty Association Ukraine believe the networking will bring a notable impact on global peace and security and I look forward to cooperating with all of you in the future.