On February 7th, a delegation of Spanish security and strategy experts concluded their visit to Ukraine with a meeting at the Delegation of the European Union to Ukraine. As part of an EU-supported initiative, the delegation shared their impressions from the visit and engaged in discussions on further strengthening European support for Ukraine.

The Delegation of the EU to Ukraine emphasized the need to increase support and assistance to Ukraine, highlighting the country’s progress on the path to European integration. The meeting underscored the importance of sustained European commitment in light of ongoing security challenges.
The delegation included:
- Victor Mario Bados Nieto, Director of the Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies (IEEE)
- Ignacio Fuente Cobo, Senior Analyst at IEEE
- Manuel José Gazapo Lapayese, Director of Institutional Relations at UNIVERSAE and Director of the International Security Observatory
- Amín Lejarza de Bilbao Essalhi, Head of the Youth Section of Eurodefense Spain
The discussions reaffirmed Spain’s engagement in security cooperation with Ukraine and the shared commitment to strengthening European strategic and defense partnerships.
This visit was organized with the support of the European Union and the International Renaissance Foundation as part of the joint initiative European Renaissance of Ukraine.