Alexander Müller visits Ukraine

On February 22, Alexander Müller, a Member of the Bundestag and the defense policy spokesman for the liberal FDP party paid a two-day visit to Ukraine to get acquainted with the current situation in Ukraine.

As a part of his visit, the German politician met several Members of the Ukrainian Parliament who represented various parties and committees. During informative meetings with Yehor Cherniev, Mariia Mezentseva, Ivanna Klympush-Tsintsadze, Halyna Yanchenko, and Inna Sovsun, Alexander Müller gained perspective on the current military and humanitarian needs of Ukraine, the relevant agenda of the Ukrainian parliament, and its ongoing international initiatives. 

In turn, he provided insight into the internal political environment in Germany and the public attitude towards the Russo-Ukrainian war. Alexander Müller also expressed his admiration for the talent of Ukrainian soldiers and support for the aspiration of Ukraine to become a part of the EU and NATO.

As a part of the program, Alexander Müller had meetings with the German Ambassador Anka Feldhusen, the head of the First Territorial Department at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Rostyslav Ogryzko, the Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council Oleksiy Danilov, and the Deputy Minister of Defense Oleksandr Polishchuk. The German politician also visited the office of the Transatlantic Dialogue Center, where he met its President Maksym Skrypchenko.

The Member of the Bundestag had an opportunity to visit Irpin and see with his own eyes notorious streets and locations that witnessed brutal fights for the city and Russian war crimes. A representative of Kyiv Oblast State Administration also demonstrated modular houses which were built for people who lost their homes in Irpin and other settlements of Ukraine.

Such visits are highly valuable and insightful for international partners, as they provide first-hand knowledge of the situation in Ukraine and the ways other countries can assist Ukraine in its recovery. Moreover, it’s a great contribution to strengthening international partnerships and cooperation.