On November 24, 2024, Bulgarian National Television aired a mini-documentary on the 1000 days since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine. The reportage by Teodora Gateva featured insights from TDC analyst Daryna Sydorenko on the increasing civilian-driven desire for negotiations and the evolving strategies necessitated by Western political shifts.
“We see a growing desire, mainly because of pressure on civilians, to start negotiations,” Sydorenko remarked. “But if peace negotiations are not fair if they are based on Russian demands, which didn’t change once since the beginning of the war, they will not be supported by the population.”
The analyst also highlighted President Zelensky’s shift in communication strategy: “President Zelensky has changed the way he communicates with the nation and Western partners. Instead of promises and demands, he is now talking about plans for victory, presenting his thesis on sustainability, and trying to find solutions.”
On Western military aid, Sydorenko underscored the importance of aligning resources with battlefield needs: “This is a huge resource that needs to be mobilized. If this mobilization applied to the military and concerned what really brings victory on the battlefield, it would be much more valuable.”
You can access the coverage via the following Link.